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Samsung Galaxy J6 Prime (also known as Galaxy J6+) appears in renders and video

Two new budget-friendly smartphones are about to make hit the shelves in the coming weeks, Samsung Galaxy J4 Prime and Galaxy J6 Prime. The phones might be introduced as Galaxy J4+ and J6+ in some markets, but they are likely to be the same specs-wise.

We've reported about the Galaxy J6 Prime a few time in the past, but this is the first time that we get the chance to see what the phone looks like. Onleaks and 91Mobiles have just released a set of renders and a 360-degree video that show the phone from all angles.

The phone that was briefly listed on Samsung's official website in ...

원문출처 : https://www.phonearena.com/news/Samsung-Galaxy-J6-Prime-also-known-as-Galaxy-J6-appears-in-renders-and-video_id108725
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