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128GB Samsung Galaxy Note 9 in Midnight Black now available to U.S. consumers

A week ago today, Samsung released the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 in Cloud Silver for U.S. consumers. This color option is exclusive to Best Buy and Samsung's online store. Today, the other shoe dropped as the Midnight Black Galaxy Note 9 is now available in the states through U.S. carriers, Samsung.com and Best Buy. At first, only the 128GB model will be offered in Midnight Black. If you must have the 512GB unit in that color, it will be available two weeks from today, on October 26th.

If you decide to make your purchase at Best Buy, there will be a little extra in the ...

원문출처 : https://www.phonearena.com/news/128GB-Samsung-Galaxy-Note-9-in-Midnight-Black-now-available-to-U.S.-consumers_id109909
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