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Asus ZenFone Max Pro (M1) Android Pie update rolling out globally

Asus rolled out the Android Pie update for the ZenFone Max Pro (M1) last month, but it was only restricted to the Indian units bearing model number ZB601KL. Now, this Taiwanese phone maker has expanded the rollout of Pie globally for all the units sporting model number ZB602KL. Asus ZenFone Max Pro (M1) This new build carries version number 16.2017.1905.053 and weighs over 1.5GB in size. It comes with May 2019 Android security patch and fixes issues related to HD graphics option in PUBG Mobile and call waiting. Asus is rolling out the update over-the-air in batches, and it may...

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공지 소식 IT 소식 게시판 이용 수칙 230127 admin 19.11.15 9 49744
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19504 Microsoft files patent for a dual-screen device with focus on video calling 뉴스봇 18.07.30 0 62
19503 소식 vivo NEX 3 핸즈온 리뷰 뉴스봇 19.09.17 0 62
19502 소식 GM·LG에너지솔루션, 제2 배터리 공장 설립 임박 뉴스봇 21.04.15 0 62
19501 Pocophone F1 latest update brings Widevine L1 support 뉴스봇 19.02.27 0 62
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19498 Our Samsung Galaxy A80 video review is up 뉴스봇 19.06.08 0 62
19497 Outlook mobile gets Microsoft Teams integration, Office Lens, improved calendar sharing and more 뉴스봇 18.09.25 0 62
19496 Slack apologises for banning Iranian and Syrian users 뉴스봇 18.12.24 0 62
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19494 소식 [MWC19] 화웨이, “5G폴더블폰, 갤럭시폴드보다 낫다”…‘메이트X’ 공개 뉴스봇 19.02.25 0 62
19493 소식 LG디스플레이 2019년 2분기 실적 콘퍼런스콜 전문 뉴스봇 19.07.23 0 62
19492 소식 아이폰XS "성능은 평가하나 가격이 글쎄…" 외신 평가 뉴스봇 18.09.13 0 62
19491 Motorola P40 & Moto Z4 Play case renders match previously-leaked designs 뉴스봇 19.01.09 0 62
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19489 Single tab browser window gets a facelift in latest Canary Build for Google Chrome 뉴스봇 18.07.22 0 62
19488 소식 '페이스타임' 엿듣기 오류 발견…애플 '난감하네' 뉴스봇 19.01.29 0 62
19487 The Motorola One Action unveiled with an ultrawide camera, 21:9 screen 뉴스봇 19.08.16 0 62
19486 Mobvoi will 'festively' discount the Ticwatch Pro, TicPods Free, and more on Thanksgiving Day 뉴스봇 18.11.20 0 62
19485 소식 10월 중국 배터리 시장, LFP 여전히 강세 뉴스봇 22.12.19 0 62
19484 Microsoft completely redesigns Cortana for Android and iOS, here is what to expect 뉴스봇 18.10.16 0 62
19483 LG phone with 16 cameras could be in the works 뉴스봇 18.11.26 0 62
19482 소식 화웨이, 중저가 스마트폰 '아너' 자국 컨소시엄에 매각(상보) 뉴스봇 20.11.17 0 62
19481 Redesigned Samsung Galaxy Fold caught in the wild 뉴스봇 19.07.13 0 62
19480 소식 삼성 무선이어폰 '갤럭시 버드', S10과 함께 출시되나 뉴스봇 19.02.08 0 62
19479 Samsung announces a new vertical TV targeting millennials 뉴스봇 19.04.30 0 61
19478 5G smartphones from Huawei, Xiaomi, and Oppo all launch in Switzerland this week 뉴스봇 19.05.01 0 61
19477 Samsung Galaxy S7 gets January security patch 뉴스봇 19.01.15 0 61

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