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미니 8K TV 업스케일링에 대한 Digital Trends의 평가

  • Eidio
  • 조회 수 167
  • 2019.01.18. 13:28



Since we’re well out from native 8K being anywhere close to commonly available – we’re just getting there now with 4K and it’s taken about six years, upscaling is crucial — and Samsung knows it. That’s why it is putting all its eggs in the 8K Quantum A.I. upscaling basket. So, does it work?


Yes, it most certainly does. The 4K content upscaled to 8K on this 85-inch TV looks better than 4K content displayed natively on a comparable 82-inch Q6 4K QLED TV. In a side-by-side comparison, the detail was enhanced and less noisy. During the briefing I had before I was left alone to work my wizardry, Samsung was pointing out differences in the images to me, but I looked beyond what they were highlighting and showed them areas that I picked out with my naked eye that even they hadn’t seen before.


Samsung’s upscaling quality is finally matching up with the screen sizes that need it.


I’m not saying this to toot my own horn, I’m coming around to the point that I had to study the image carefully to see the differences. They are minute, but they are there. The devil is in the details, and if you focus, you see it. But my main concern was getting the sense of that clarity in aggregate – from the whole image. And after watching this TV for several hours, I have to say, yeah, it affects the viewing experience as a whole. But only just.


Even more important to this evaluation was judging how the TV performed at upscaling 1080p and lossy 720P content. ESPN through your cable or satellite provider is delivered in 1080i or 720p. It’s funny, we’re talking about 8K content support when ESPN through cable isn’t even full HD. Anyway, I’m pleased to report that the Q900 does a noticeably superior job of upscaling lower-resolution content at this screen size than Samsung’s QLED TVs not equipped with the new 8K Quantum A.I. upscaling chip. Even old DVDs I had on hand were significantly cleaner and clearer, and a livestream of ESPN through Sling TV showed considerably less noise, sharper lines, and less compression artifacts.


I feel this is very important. What this indicates to me is that Samsung’s upscaling quality is finally matching up with the screen sizes that need it. At 85 inches, this 8K upscaling looks way better than the 4K upscaling I’ve seen on other QLED TVs. It’s sharper, smoother, richer – it’s what you expect when watching such a big screen, but to date hasn’t been delivered.






생각보다 괜찮은 모양이네요. 4K QLED TV에도 같은 프로세서가 들어갔으려나..

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