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미니 I tell you the truth about Galaxy AI

Many people have misunderstandings about Galaxy AI because they don’t understand Galaxy AI at all and are phobic about Bixby.

The core of the Galaxy S24 series is Galaxy AI, and rightly so.

In fact, Galaxy AI’s idea is correct and it is the best solution in smartphone AI.

It's a completely different thing than Bixby.

In other words, if you interpret Galaxy AI as a smarter voice assistant, you are completely wrong.

Galaxy AI is ubiquitous AI. It is not the incarnation of a certain "entity" or "voice assistant". It exists in every system application and interaction.

Galaxy AI is practical AI and "meaningful innovation"

Its functionality exists more for user convenience than entertainment.

For example, if you are on the phone with someone, Galaxy AI will extract important information based on the content of your call recording and generate a summary report for you. For example, if numbers or complex content that is difficult to remember are mentioned on the phone, AI will play a role. played a role.

For example, when you browse a website and you don't understand some information, you can use Galaxy AI to record and search for information at any time.

For example, when you are sending a text message with someone, you can change the tone of the text you enter at any time. Especially in formal occasions, your text must be rigorous, then Galaxy AI can modify your text.

For example, during the photo taking process, Galaxy AI will also help you select the best photo.

There are many functions like this, at least 20.

And what you know is at least a small part.

When the Galaxy S24 is released, you'll know what I'm talking about

Galaxy AI is definitely the best solution for smartphone AI.

1등 봄차
2024.01.04. 18:21

siri 제안이 똑똑해진거군요.
이런거 잘해주면 편하긴하죠. 에이닷만해도 쓸만하단 생각이 들정도니까요.

[봄차]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2등 루즈
2024.01.04. 18:23

"It exists in every system application and interaction." then u think can 12gb of ram handle galaxy AI?

[루즈]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
iceuniverse 루즈 님께
2024.01.04. 18:29

12GB is okay, but 8GB is barely enough. It is foreseeable that the number of built-in programs of S24 will be greatly increased, including a large number of AI components.

[iceuniverse]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
Oxc.suga iceuniverse 님께
2024.01.04. 18:35

AI components and fusion them into S24 will be main keypoints?

I think it isn't enough to call On Device AI, it might be just one of a third-party program(but including well-made add-on technology;;)

[Oxc.suga]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
3등 Oxc.suga
2024.01.04. 18:25

아, 다른 댓글에서 온디바이스 AI든 뭐든 AI를 내세울거면 파편화된 기능을 사용하기 편하게 제공하는 게 오히려 더 나을 거라고 이야기 했는데, 그 방향으로 개발한 모양이군요. 

물론 제대로만 된다면 이상적인 형태로 활용이 되겠지만, 과연?

(UX든 뭐든 꼭 한두개 씩은 나사빠진 구석이 있을 것 같은데...)

[Oxc.suga]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.01.04. 18:31

빅스비가 했어야할게 이제서야 되는거죠 뭐

[불펌냥이]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.01.04. 18:32

ai 돌린다고 버벅이지만 않으면 좋겠군요

[addce]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.01.04. 18:36

이러고 저러고 잘 모르겠고요. 그냥 램을 더 박던가 엑스노스를 빼던가 가격을 내려주세요.

[PQ]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.01.04. 18:40

뉴스에서 자꾸 생성형으로 바람을 넣어서 그쪽으로 기대가 안되는거지 안보이게 숨긴(?) AI 잘 나오면 좋죠

[일.칠칠이사오삼팔오]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.01.04. 18:43

Can S23(other previous series) users use Gaus AI? Actually I don't understand Gaus naming. Is Galaxy AI addons are called Gaus? or LLM model name?

[엣지]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.01.04. 23:54

You describe the samsung new ai like game changer. I dont think so. It wont be so different from what samsung has been doing. i got no expectations.

[멜로엘로]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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219310 미니 난 진지하게 김ㄱㄴ이 싫어요 [7] 갠냑시 24.09.26 741 5
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