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미니 Intel, 공정 로드맵 발표


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  • Intel 7 delivers an approximately 10% to 15% performance-per-watt increase versus Intel 10nm SuperFin, based on FinFET transistor optimizations. Intel 7 will be featured in products such as Alder Lake for client in 2021 and Sapphire Rapids for the data center, which is expected to be in production in the first quarter of 2022.


  • Intel 4 fully embraces EUV lithography to print incredibly small features using ultra-short wavelength light. With an approximately 20% performance-per-watt increase, along with area improvements, Intel 4 will be ready for production in the second half of 2022 for products shipping in 2023, including Meteor Lake for client and Granite Rapids for the data center.


  • Intel 3 leverages further FinFET optimizations and increased EUV to deliver an approximately 18% performance-per-watt increase over Intel 4, along with additional area improvements. Intel 3 will be ready to begin manufacturing products in the second half of 2023.


  • Intel 20A ushers in the angstrom era with two breakthrough technologies, RibbonFET and PowerVia. RibbonFET, Intel’s implementation of a gate-all-around transistor, will be the company’s first new transistor architecture since it pioneered FinFET in 2011. The technology delivers faster transistor switching speeds while achieving the same drive current as multiple fins in a smaller footprint. PowerVia is Intel’s unique industry-first implementation of backside power delivery, optimizing signal transmission by eliminating the need for power routing on the front side of the wafer. Intel 20A is expected to ramp in 2024. The company is also excited about the opportunity to partner with Qualcomm using its Intel 20A process technology.


  • 2025 and Beyond: Beyond Intel 20A, Intel 18A is already in development for early 2025 with refinements to RibbonFET that will deliver another major jump in transistor performance. Intel is also working to define, build and deploy next-generation High NA EUV, and expects to receive the first production tool in the industry. Intel is partnering closely with ASML to assure the success of this industry breakthrough beyond the current generation of EUV.



+ 파운드리 주요고객 2곳

: 퀄컴, AWS

1등 흡혈귀왕
2021.07.27. 08:35

그러고보니 LG가 생각나네요...

한때 인텔 10나노 고객 어쩌고였는데....

[흡혈귀왕]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
GNXY901TW 흡혈귀왕 님께
2021.07.27. 09:10


[GNXY901TW]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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핫글 미니 갤럭시가 나아가야 할 카메라 방향타 6 (Pixel 9Pro 50MP) [3] file S.R 00:35 559 8
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220829 미니 아이폰 16프로 찍먹 중인데 느낌 좋네요. new 언제나소년 11:52 93 4
220828 미니 7년 지원이라... [6] new Alternative 11:28 242 9
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220826 미니 아이폰 미러링 생각보다 괜찮네요 [4] updatefile Alternative 11:02 212 4
220825 미니 오늘 아침 아이폰16프맥 점수놀이.jpg [4] updatefile rollin 10:36 287 4
220824 미니 FE라인 정의해 보겠습니다. [3] update 윤이 09:39 301 1
220823 미니 24fe 24울 내년초선택 고민.. [4] S27울트라존버 09:08 252 2
220822 음향 Wf 1000xm5 방출 마렵습니다... [7] 닉포토 08:21 444 3
220821 미니 잡담: 전작보다 10% 더 큰 S24 FE 베이퍼챔버 사이즈 Section31 08:15 290 0
220820 미니 정말 AI가 모바일 디바이스와 완벽한 통합을 이룬다면 [3] Terrapin 02:26 496 2
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220818 미니 태블릿... 사용중인 인치수 투표 결과.jpg [4] file Niflheimr 00:46 625 6
220817 미니 갤럭시가 나아가야 할 카메라 방향타 6 (Pixel 9Pro 50MP) [3] file S.R 00:35 559 8
220816 미니 보통 Vulkan, Metal, DX12 성능 개선이 [4] file 흡혈귀왕 00:09 561 5
220815 음향 이어팟은 진짜 사랑입니다 [8] update 아재건달_보노뭘보노 24.09.28 692 7
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220812 미니 안드진영에선 metalFx같은 ai업스케일을 제공못하나요? [14] eg00 24.09.28 678 4
220811 미니 녹스 좀 없애주면 좋겠네요 [43] 스이공 24.09.28 1227 2
220810 미니 BOE가 소송서 지면 타격 크겠는데요 [7] 갠냑시 24.09.28 1264 7
220809 미니 루머: 갤럭시 탭 S10 FE+ 감지 [24] update Section31 24.09.28 1043 2
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