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미니 I found a magical bug in S24U 30x zoom!!!

Just now while testing more photo comparisons, I made a magical discovery about the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 30x zoom.

Let’s talk about the conclusion first: Our current S24U telephoto has been using the wrong algorithm. But I discovered a really powerful algorithm.

When I directly photographed the leaves of a pine tree, Samsung's sharpening algorithm appeared, and you would see fragmented graininess, which gave a very poor look and feel.


But when text appears in the picture I shot, everything changes. You can see that the pine leaves in the picture become very natural and clear. This feeling is very similar to the processing method of S23Ultra, which is what we want to see. In other words, Samsung’s text optimization algorithm is very strong, and pine tree leaves are also optimized by this algorithm.


Let me compare the two photos together. I believe you will immediately find the difference between the two. The difference is too big.


This is a great discovery, which at least shows that Samsung is capable of algorithm optimization, but it only appears in scenes where text is recognized. If this algorithm is extended to all scenes, the telephoto of Samsung S24 Ultra will be greatly improved.

I hope Samsung can discover the current problem and provide the correct algorithm for all scenarios in the next update.

  I also hope that you can feedback this discovery to the Korean community and let them pay attention to this issue.


Finally, I also took photos of this scene using Xiaomi 14 Ultra.


Let's compare, if Samsung uses the right algorithm, it will not look weaker than Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra. What do you think? Please give feedback to Samsung.


2등 Pepsi베어
2024.02.27. 19:12

I guess it may only work with the pinetrees as they have similar characteristics of the letters (straight lines, pointy end..). If the same algorithm is used for different pictures, results might be diffrent. Probably Samsung's AI is just not profound enough to use appropriate algorithms to the different sections of the same picture.

[Pepsi베어]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
iceuniverse Pepsi베어 님께
2024.02.27. 19:20


Also applicable to other scenarios


[iceuniverse]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
3등 씨샾
2024.02.27. 19:15


일관된 후보정좀 해주면 안되나요??

그 일관됨 없는 그게 기본앱으로 사진찍기가 매우 싫어집니다..

[씨샾]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.02.27. 19:35




Like this pictures? This is 20x zoom pictures.

I thought just too much over sharpened at 20x zoom or higher. You mean text optimization algorithm apply to all objects right? That's so interesting. I will try upload this issue to Samsung members


[쿠키스무디]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.02.27. 19:55

The pictures shot with the text optimization is amazingly sharp and natural, which is ridiculous.

[shaind]님의 댓글을 신고합니다. 취소 신고
2024.02.28. 08:20

이 글을 보니 삼성은 제품을 팔면서도 계속 제품을 만들고 있다는 느낌입니다. 2024년 4분기나 되야 제품이 완성 될거 같네요.

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